Young Fisher Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions


Frequently Asked Questions

What is YF Social Circle?

YF Social Circle was created to help support woman and allow them to connect with others. This circle aims to offer various activities where woman can meet new people, learn new things and partake in different social events.

Why should I join YF Social Circle

There may be various reasons that you may wish to join YF Social Circle which can be that:

  • You are new to the area
  • Your friends are all coupled up or married off
  • You are busy and don’t have time to meet people
  • You already have an extensive social network but just love meeting new people
How do I join?

You can join by registering here and becoming a member.

We offer an assoicate membership which allows you to attend any of our events for 30 days for free. There is no credit card required. If you decide that you would like to sign up for a full membership you can do so via Paypal by signing up to the full membership option.

What do I get with the free trial?

You are able to attend any of our events free for 30 days. Check our calender to see all the events that we have going on this month.

After the free trial period, if you have not upgraded to a paid subscription, your account will be deleted.

If I arrive on my own, would I be the only one to do so?

Most of our members come by themselves. The entire foundation of YF Social Circle is built on bringing together like-minded individuals, with almost everyone arriving on their own to meet new people just like you. Our friendly hosts will greet newcomers and make introductions. 

Am I too old or too young?

Any ladies can become a member from the age of 18+, there is no upper age limit.

I've just joined what should I do now?

Browse our extensive calendar and decide which event/s you want to attend first. Then RSVP, if you can no longer attend you can change your RSVP option to not going.

How do I book on to an event?

Log into the site (under your account), go to the calendar, click on an event that you like and then RSVP.

What is the best event to start with?

We have a number of relaxed social events which is a great way to start, you can join one of our weekly meet and chats either virtually or face to face, or once a month we have a virtual meeting especially  for newcomers to attend to meet and be introuced to a handful of members. These events will allow you to meet some of the members in a more relaxed setting before you then attend some of the other activites and trips.

How will I find you at the venue?

You will need to make sure you have joined our telegram as this is where we communicate all information regarding upcoming events. Also make sure you have subscribed to recieve emails, which will also give you information and on all events.

Where are your events based?

Our regular meetups are based in Croydon. However, we also offer regular virtual meetings and we also go to events in different locations. So you do not need to live in the Croydon area to become a member.

How can I contact you?

You can contact us by completing this form or you can email us at [email protected].

How much do I pay?

The membership is £25 a month, which allows you to join onto any of the clubs and activities for free as often as you like. You pay separate for the events and courses you attend. i.e. comedy shows, dinner & drinks etc

What do I get if I become a member?

We offer a range of various things to do under specific categories.


  • Newcomers Connect
  • Meet & Chat
  • Writing/Poetry Club
  • Book & Coffee Club
  • Business Networking



  • Online Trivia Night
  • Competition Game Nights
  • YF Talent Show
  • Speed dating
  • Social Walk



  • Drinks
  • Dinner
  • Cinema
  • Comedy
  • Karaoke
  • Outings
  • Day Trips
  • Weekend Trips
  • Concerts



  • Baking
  • Floristry
  • Mental Health 
Who can join YF Social Circle?

Anyone who identifies as female.

How can I cancel my memberships

We are sorry to here that you have decided to leave us. To cancel your membership please complete this form you will recieve an email to confirm that your membership has been cancelled.